I don’t write.

Hi. I’m new to this. My name is Kiley and I’m 21 years old and have been consistently trying to figure my life out for about 4 years now. That’s what I do. That’s one of my biggest faults.

Anyway, in this blog I hope to be able to get some of my ideas, thoughts, feelings, and so on out of my head and into the universe. And the internet. For all of you to read and hopefully relate to (maybe like one person will read this).

I don’t write, so this won’t be the most exquisite blog you’ve ever laid your eyes upon. It probably won’t even make sense at times because I don’t know if I even know how to use correct grammar or punctuation (only semi-joking (also I’m a big fan of the parenthesis (and even the inception parenthesis))).  But none of that really matters because this is for me, not you! Trying to self develop/improve/grow and all that business, as per usual.

I have however, always wanted to write. I don’t talk much, and I do think some. So writing seems like the perfect way to express myself because talking to people about my true feelings and thoughts seems a little ridiculous and very scary. Sometimes I do it but not often, so I’ve got some things in this head of mine that should probably be sent into the world via internet blog.

I think I have decided to kind of just say what comes to my head when I’m here writing, and I will treat it like a journal that people can see if they want. So I’m probably not going to tell you about every juicy detail of my life (don’t worry there really aren’t any) but I will try my best to be as transparent as possible. This is a good learning tool for me, with my self discovery obsession and whatnot.

Well, I’m excited internet blog. See you soon.

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